Loving Relationships with  Loving Boundaries

🌟When we don’t set boundaries, we say Yes 🌸 when we have to say No 🦋.
Most of us are people🫂 pleasers and afraid of people’s judgments 😰and in the process feel exhausted and suffocated in relationships. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧                                             🌟Loving relationships with loving boundaries🦋 is an experiential practice lab for everyone who is struggling with relationships 👥and has an aspiration to have a flow🪔 in the relationships🌟.

A 3 Week Online Practice Lab to Loving Relationships with Loving Boundaries

End the struggle in relationships.  Learn to set boundaries in relationships and experience the freedom of being truly yourself. We all know the importance of loving boundaries in order to have loving rewarding relationships and improve quality of our life.  But then what stops us from setting them? We don’t set them because we are not self-aware of the patterns of our boundaries and obstacles (physical, emotional, mental) in setting those boundaries In these 3 weeks online journey of loving relationships with loving boundaries we will work together on understanding the pattern of boundaries in our relationships, learning to say yes or no aligned to our values and create a flow in our relationships through space and time boundaries
25 Oct - 12 Nov
Sharing Circle
 SAT 7:30 PM-9 PM 
Daily Commitment
 15-30 min

Join the Lab to Reclaim Yourself with Loving Boundaries

Contribution for Practice Lab: ₹3540 (inclusive of all taxes)

  • Tuesday 7:30 - 9 PM Orientation 

    25th Oct'2022
  • Saturday 7:30 - 9 PM Sharing Circle

    29 Oct, 2022 to 12 Nov, 2022
  • Week 1 Violating Boundaries: In the root of the problem lies the solution

    25 Oct  to 29 Oct 
  • Week 2 Saying Yes and No, Inwardly, Energetically and Outwardly Firmly

    29 Oct to 5 Nov
  • Week 3 Creating Time and Space Boundaries for Flow in Relationships

    5 Nov to 12 Nov 

Sign Up Now if You Are

Struggling with Setting Boundaries

Do you feel difficulty in identifying and expressing your needs clearly and firmly without apology?  

Do you suffer from anxiety, sadness, power struggles and burnouts in life?        
Do you fear people will label you as mean and selfish if you set boundaries?      
Do you feel you are blamed every time something goes wrong at home or work?

Do you feel guilty after saying NO?                          

Is it difficult for you to accept NO from other people?                                                     
Do you feel even after putting in your 100% your relationships are not good?

Aspiring for Healthy Relationships at Home and Work 

Loving Boundaries are key for healthy rewarding relationships at home and work.             

By setting loving boundaries you can communicate your needs clearly without guilt at home and work.                                                         

By setting loving boundaries you take charge of your life by courageously saying Yes and No.         

By setting loving boundaries, you nurture your own company.

By setting loving boundaries, you become aware of whether you are crossing boundaries in your relationships. 

Does this resonate with you? If yes, then this lab is for you.

Ready for a Collective Journey 

Are you ready for...

Commitment to your goals: Set weekly goals and work towards them                

To Inspire and Be inspired: Be an active learner, share photos & insights of your practices as well as participate in all our sharing circles.

To give a commitment of 3 weeks to yourself, the collective and the ideal of loving boundaries. 

Evolve. Action. Community.

Learn to Evolve by Practicing Together as a Community

Learning is Better with Community

Sharing Circle

Weekly sharing circle, a sacred sharing and listening space to learn deeply from each other, inspire each other, as well as collectively joyfully progress in our practice.



Learning by doing

Task of the Day

Receive a very simple task of the week with a boost of motivation from the community, and keep taking small steps towards your goal.

Collective Practice

To accelerate our journeys, we may have 15-30 minutes, collective practice of journaling, on Tuesday & Thursday - 7.30 - 8pm. These are highly recommended. 

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About Purnam

Purnam Centre for Integrality is a unit of Auroville Foundation, an Institution of Higher Education, Government of India, located in Auroville, which is a UNESCO supported international city in the making in Tamil Nadu, India, with the aim of realising human unity.

  • Dr. Vasudha Agarwal, Your Facilitator for 'Loving Boundaries' Lab

    Psychologist, Life skills Coach 

    I believe whatever change you want to see in this world has to start from you. I am always in awe of how when anyone decides to bring a change in his/ her life, magic unfolds. Small changes in one's inner world creates a significant ripple effect in everyone’s life. I also believe self-progress and helping others to progress is the key to happiness in life.
    Reclaiming your life with loving boundaries lab is very close to my heart. I personally have struggled with setting and accepting boundaries and experienced the power of setting boundaries in my life.
    Besides, my personal experience with boundaries, I am also a qualified Counseling Psychologist and Life skills coach and I see youth struggling with anxiety, burnout, power struggles because of boundary issues. I built this practice lab to have like-minded young people come together and work together to create loving physical and emotional boundaries and take charge of their lives.

  • Divyanshi Chugh

    Journey Guide 

    Divyanshi Chugh was studying Social Policy at University of Oxford, when she decided to come to Pondicherry. Through an year of intense inner churning at Oxford, Divyanshi decided to forgo the prospect of pursuing further studies from Cambridge and instead came to India to dive into Indian spiritual wisdom. She studied Integral Yoga Psychology from the works of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo from Indian Psychology Institute. The course in Pondicherry was a deeply transformative journey for her. However, after the course, she felt like she was sitting on a goldmine but did not know how to apply it in the world. In 2016, searching for how one can apply integral knowledge in life, in a way that transforms oneself as well as the collective, she came to Auroville. Today, she is seeking to apply her learnings in Auroville, through building and facilitating higher educational learning programmes & projects, founded in integral yoga psychology.
Dr Vasudha Agarwal is a kind and caring counsellor.
At some point or the other we do feel the need for guidance - a more mature one - to sort our internal troubles, anxiety, worry, life issues, relationship issues etc, and only 1 in almost 10 are able to receive proper guidance for the same.
My sincere thanks to  Dr Vasudha  Agarwal for her guidance and  mentorship.

Aishwarya Mor
Pathways Operation Manager,  Amazon 
 I have known Dr Vasudha as a counselor/ mentor/guide since my school days. Her warm  but practical advice has always helped me  to replace my worries and self doubt into confidence. I personally recommend anyone looking for a person to  talk to regarding personal or professional life to call her once. 
Samarth Gupta
Student, Symbiosis Law School, Noida 

Frequently Asked Questions

It is absolutely mandatory to attend all the live sessions.  The live sessions involve the exercises and sharing circle that lay foundation for the tasks of the week.  Missing out on live session will not create the impact or the shift you are looking for you in your life.                
The commitment is 7:30pm - 9pm on 25th Oct (Tuesday) and 29th Nov, 5th Nov, 11 Nov (Saturdays)and 30 minutes of daily commitment from 25th Oct to 12th Nov
Anyone (Male/Female) above 18 years who is struggling with relationships and has an aspiration to have a flow in the relationships and build loving relationships.

Get in Touch with Loving Boundaries Team

Get in Touch with your facilitator for any queries


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Purnam Practice Labs

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