Journaling Within: A Deep Dialogue with Your Inner Self

❓ Do you want to find the answers to the questions that you are seeking within you?
❓ Do you want to experience the feelings of peace, joy, and silence within you?                                                                    
Wait no longer! Come join us for 4 weeks of the Journaling Within practice lab. πŸ–ŠπŸ“’
Connect deeper with your emotions, inner child, inner guide, and most importantly, your inner self. Breakthrough internal resistances. Find answers to your questions and experience peace and joy from within. πŸ•Š 

Discover Your Many Selves & Integrate Around the Core Within 

In this lab, we shall be journaling within through words and painting to connect to our inner selves. We will use journaling as a tool to become self-aware, understand emerging patterns unfolding in our lives, meet our many selves, and source inner wisdom for a great integration and harmonisation around our sacred inner selves. 
9 Jul - 6 Aug
Collective Practice Sessions 
      Tuesday, Thursday,6 - 7 PM IST
Special Sessions with  Manoj Pavitran and Divyanshi Chugh
 Saturday 5:30 -7:00 PM IST

Join Journaling Within Practice lab

Practice Lab for β‚Ή1100

  • Special Orientation Journaling Within with Manoj Pavithran

    5: 30 PM - 7:00 PM IST, Saturday, 9 July
  • Week 1 Journaling Practice Sessions

    6 - 7 PM IST,  Tuesday &Thursday 12 & 14 July
  • Special Session Week 2 Journaling to Inner Guide with Manoj Pavithran

    5:30  PM - 7:00 PM IST, Saturday, 16 July
  • Week 2 Journaling Practice Sessions

    6 - 7 PM IST, Tuesday & Thursday 19 & 21 July
  • Special Session Week 3 Journaling to Inner Child with Manoj Pavithran

    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM IST, Saturday, 23 July
  • Week 3 Journaling Practice Sessions

    6 - 7 PM IST, Tuesday & Thursday 26 & 28 July
  • Special Session Week 4 Journaling to Empathise with Other Person with Manoj Pavithran and Divyanshi Chugh

    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM IST, 30 July
  • Week 4 Journaling Practice Sessions

    6 - 7 PM IST, Tuesday & Thursday 2 & 4 August
  • Special Session Clearing the Past with Manoj Pavithran

    5:30 PM - 7:00 PM IST, 6 August

Sign Up Now if You Are

Seeking a simple practice to find a deeper connection with your inner self...

In this fast-paced life, we often find ourselves disconnected from our deeper selves. Here is bringing you a simple sustainable practice of journaling that has had a profound impact on the lives of 100s of practitioners. Come, join us. 

Find your many selves, and learn to integrate around your deepest core

According to Sri Aurobindo, each one of us have many selves. Ordinarily, we are not aware of them since we operate at the surface. However, as we go even one step deeper into ourselves, we discover how fragmented we are with different selves, each with its ego and will. With the power of journaling to these different selves, we learn to find a deeper integration in our being. Join us, to experience a deeper integration, harmony and delight.

Ready to commit

The lab requires you to be a consistent and active participant in the practice. Share your insights to inspire and be inspired by others. 

Evolve. Action. Community.

Learn to Evolve by Practicing Together as a Community

Learning to evolve by practicing together as a community 

Practice together 

The fact that many others are there showing up, practicing together with you at the same time, even if it is happening online, makes all the difference. It helps us hold each other accountable and be consistent with our practice. It creates a sacred collective atmosphere in which we journal together. 

Sharing Insights

When everyone shares their insights, there is rich growing understanding of the process through diverse angles. We learn from each other, and learn to deepen our journeys through the sincerity and depth that each seeker brings into the space.

Journaling to the Inner Guide, Our Deeper Selves

We are mostly our rational adult selves in day-to-day lives. But behind our surface personalities and inner turmoil, deep inside there is an inner guide, a part that is your true being, wise and loving. We will write to the inner guide, our sacred core, our deeper self, the Divine within - sharing with Her the happenings of our days and whatever is alive for us, sourcing its profound wisdom and creating a sacred bond with the Divine and our deeper self. One hour session is divided into 4 parts: 10 minutes of cave of the heart meditation, 30 minutes of journaling, 10 minutes of painting the essence, and 10 minutes of sharing.  Journaling sessions are in light of the method evolved by Manoj Pavithran through his 30 years of personal practice of Integral Yoga in the light of Sri Aurobindo.         

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About Purnam

Purnam Centre for Integrality is a unit of Auroville Foundation, an Institution of Higher Education, Government of India, located in Auroville, which is a UNESCO supported international city in the making in Tamil Nadu, India, with the aim of realising human unity.

  • Dr. Vasudha Agarwal 

    Counseling Psychologist, Life skills Coach 

    Since childhood, I had a touch-and-go kind of relationship with Journaling. I developed a deep love for The Cave of the Heart and Journaling practices while facilitating Purnam Sangha lab on Loving Boundaries. In this lab, Manoj Pavithran made us experience the various kinds of Journal practices. I personally felt the significance of each practice in understanding myself better as well as way to unblock the hidden emotions. I can say, Journaling brought joy back into my life. I realized that the transformative quality of The cave of the heart and journaling is 10 times more when done in collective. 
  • Divyanshi Chugh

    Founder and  Executive, Purnam I  Educator, Coach and  Curriculum Designer

    Divyanshi Chugh was studying Social Policy at University of Oxford, when she decided to come to Pondicherry. Through an year of intense inner churning at Oxford, Divyanshi decided to forgo the prospect of pursuing further studies from Cambridge and instead came to India to dive into Indian spiritual wisdom. She studied Integral Yoga Psychology from the works of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo from Indian Psychology Institute. The course in Pondicherry was a deeply transformative journey for her. However, after the course, she felt like she was sitting on a goldmine but did not know how to apply it in the world. In 2016, searching for how one can apply integral knowledge in life, in a way that transforms oneself as well as the collective, she came to Auroville. Today, she is seeking to apply her learnings in Auroville, through building and facilitating higher educational learning programmes & projects, founded in integral yoga psychology.
  •  Manoj Pavithran

    Integral Yoga Psychology Practitioner

    Manoj Pavithran grew up in Kerala and graduated as a production engineer in 1988. However, a deeper quest led him to Sri Aurobindo and he started following the path of Integral Yoga in 1989. He did post- graduate studies in Product Design from the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, in 1993. After a short period of working as a professional design consultant, he quit the profession and joined Auroville in 1995 to explore Integral Yoga and collective evolution. In Auroville, he is actively involved in higher education, software development and film making (
Testimonials About Purnam's Practice Labs
I really enjoyed the space that was collectively held for journaling ..Though I have been journaling past couple of years, doing it as a group meant something dear and more concentrated and powerful bringing more clarity and flow. Manoj’s visit and insights was and the peaceful presence was again cherry πŸ’ on top to the already beautiful spaces. Deepest gratitude to all πŸ₯°πŸ˜‡πŸ™
 Life Coach and Consultant
The collective journaling practice has provided a sacred space and time for me to take time out for myself to get in touch with my inner child as well as my higher self while I reflect upon my everyday feelings, emotions & thoughts consciously.
Journaling is the most powerful tool I have encountered for my spiritual growth. It works like magic. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Group is open on  Tuesday  and Thursday  from 6 PM to 7 PM for Journaling Within Practice. So 1 hour would be the time commitment. Every Saturday,  we have special sessions with Manoj Pavithran and Divyanshi from 5:30  PM to 7:00 PM and hence you can plan accordingly for the Saturday sessions. 
Yes, we will be introduced to the details of journaling through special sessions by Manoj Pavithran and Divyanshi every Saturday  followed by collective practice on Tuesdays  and Thursdays.
Journaling Within lab is a series of practice sessions. The more one practices the more one gets deeper in connection with the inner self. It’s an active course with a potentially β€œhigh” outcome for dedicated and sincere participants, at the end of it. Missing out on sessions will not create the impact or the shift you are looking for in your life.

Get in Touch with Journaling Within Team

Get in Touch with your facilitator for any queries


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Purnam Practice Labs

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