Lighting Inner Lamps with Beautiful Diwali 

What is the inner significance of Diwali, how do we access it illumine our lives? We invite you to explore the transformative power of Diwali by celebrating its deeper significance while engaging in outer rituals. Change life inside out by consciously practicing everyday cleaning and decluttering while holding a sacred aspiration within.🪔

A 2-Week Joyous Online Practice Lab To Welcome Sacredness and Beauty Into Life by Tapping Into the True Essence of Diwali

Celebrating Diwali in a true sacred spiritual manner:  we clean and declutter our spaces with the power of the collective by letting go of things that aren't in use, hence making space for something new and fresh to come into our lives. Bringing sacred beauty within and without.
9 Oct - 23 Oct
Collective Decluttering Circle
  Every Sunday  10 am-12: 30 pm IST
Daily commitment
1 hr

Join the Beautiful Diwali Lab to Illuminate Our Lives

Contribution for Practice Lab: â‚ą2596 (inclusive of all taxes)

  • Oct 9th, 2022 Orientation to the Lab

    10 AM - 12: 30 PM IST
  • Every Sunday Collective Decluttering Circle with Sangha

    10 AM - 12:30 AM IST
  • week-1 Diwali Decluttering 

    9th Oct - 16th Oct, 2022
  • week-2 Diwali Cleaning 

    17th Oct - 23rd Oct 2022

🌷 Sign Up Now if You

Are struggling to make progress in Diwali decluttering?

Decluttering of the house can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you are doing it alone. There is a possibility of demotivation and inertia kicking in after the initial few days. Here comes the role of being a part of a sacred collective space. We motivate and inspire each other everyday to continue decluttering.

Hold a strong aspiration to bring inner and outer order? 

"One must never neglect to clean one's room, it is very important; inner cleanliness is at least as important as outer cleanliness." - The Mother. There is a strong connection between inner and outer orderliness. The acts of cleaning, organizing and decluttering have the most impact on our inner being when we hold a deep aspiration while doing them.

Are ready for an immersive adventure?

The Beautiful Diwali Journey lab is an immersive collective celebration where we all as a part of this group start our journey holding our deep aspirations. Once a part of this lab, we want you to be an active learner in this journey, so it is very important that you actively engage in the group by sharing photos and insights of your practices as well as participating in all our sharing circles. Therefore, the lab requires you to take at least 1-2 hours of your day to do your practice and then share with us your experience. Together, let us experience the light of inner and outer beauty in our lives.

Evolve. Action. Community.

Learn to Evolve by Practicing Together as a Community

Learning is Better with Community

Sharing Circle

Weekly sharing circle, a sacred sharing and listening space to learn deeply from each other, inspire each other, as well as collectively joyfully progress in our practice.

Sharing on Whatsapp group

Know like-hearted seekers on the path through a weekly sangha call.

Learning by Doing

Task of the Day

Receive a very simple task of the day/week with a boost of motivation from the community, and keep taking small steps towards your goal.

Quote of the Day

Receive an inspirational quote of the day from the works of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother. Access the mantric power of the quote through the mantric reading method.

Want to Participate in Purnam Labs & Courses?

Stay updated on all our courses & opportunities

About Purnam

Purnam Centre for Integrality is a unit of Auroville Foundation, an Institution of Higher Education, Government of India, located in Auroville, which is a UNESCO supported international city in the making in Tamil Nadu, India, with the aim of realising human unity.

  • Chaitanya, Co-Facilitator for the Beautiful Diwali Journey

    Founder & Facilitator, MirraKi | Decluttering your way from crisis to clarity                                                

    Beauty is at the core of my being & I thoroughly enjoy the process of bringing the aspect of beauty in our everyday lives. The fact that such simple acts of cleaning, and decluttering can have such a profound impact on oneself is fascinating to me. I have started a consulting firm MirraKi, which is dedicated to helping youth by holding a loving space for them while they take a courageous step of action towards a new beginning by letting go of things that don’t serve them anymore. At MirraKi we understand the difficulties and resistances one goes through while decluttering, hence we gently guide, motivate and inspire them in this journey of clearing their past to step into the future. If you wish to learn more about MirraKi or me, please visit                                                                                               
    It is our privilege to partner with Purnam Community this Diwali to help bring this shift among some beautiful souls through Beautiful Diwali Lab. If you too wish to transform your lives by tidying, then this space is waiting to have you!
  • Dr. Vasudha Agarwal, Co-Facilitator for the Beautiful Diwali Journey

    Psychologist, Life Skills Coach

    I believe whatever change you want to see in this world has to start with you. I am always in awe of how when anyone decides to bring a change in his/ her life, magic unfolds.                                                                            
    I am a psychologist and a life coach. I have helped people in decluttering their minds but decluttering the physical spaces and letting of things have always been a challenge for me.  
    Among all areas of my life, organization and cleaning were completely neglected or outsourced to others. My daughter who found joy in cleaning, decluttering, and organizing inspired me to develop the quality of organization within me. 
    In the year 2021, I was a participant of the Beautiful Diwali lab and further experienced joy, peace and abundance through decluttering with Chaitanya. I am happy to join Chaitanya in offering a unique practice lab “ Beautiful Diwali” this festival season and share, learn and grow together.
  • Kavita Goyal, Co-Facilitator for the Beautiful Diwali Journey

    Artist & Counsellor

    Savitri Painting was instrumental in bringing me in contact with this beautiful group and then I attended the last Beautiful Diwali workshop. I have been a decluttering lover since 2007 when I was facing major problems in life and suddenly I decided to disconnect from stuff and it gave me so much space not only in my home but in my being as well as it facilitated the making of room for new beginning like a tree sheds its old leaves and becomes even greener. Now after almost 15 years I'm one step further at 'Let Go'. Come, join us to experience how beautiful letting go is!
  • MirraKi | Decluttering your way from crisis to clarity

    Facilitating Fresh Starts for Youth |                        

    We provide professional guidance to facilitate fresh starts for the youth (18-35 years) going through major life transitions, by implementing decluttering and organizing one’s physical space as a tool to bring inner clarity and harmony to form a strong base for the new beginnings.                                                                                                                                                      This Diwali, we are happy to collaborate with Purnam to design and facilitate the Beautiful Diwali Practice Lab for all who aspire to make space in their homes to welcome the Light within and without.
🌻 Testimonials by Beautiful Diwali 1.0 Participants
My journey in this beautiful space has told me to enlighten a flame of aspiration and to indulge within it for a brightness that is yet to reveal both inwardly and outwardly✨
Beautiful Diwali 1.0 participant
I have been a part of the Beautiful Diwali journey facilitated by Chaitanya. Her gentle energies of cheerfulness and joy lit up the space and inspired me and all of us to share our experiences with ease.
Beautiful Diwali 1.0 participant

Frequently Asked Questions

You can chose to declutter as per flow as long as you share photos and sharings of your practice for the day.
Yes! They are welcome too, but they need to contact one of the faciliator's in order to be added on the group.
Yes, we encourage participants to share a photo along with the text message.
It is important to attend all the live sessions as coming together with a common aspiration for a practice uplifts the individual's energy and motivation. We create a nurturing space of holding and empowering each other in our time together during this journey. So, your presence in the sessions contributes to you and your co-participants’ journey. Missing sessions will bring in a break in the rhythm in the journey towards your aspiration.
The sessions are planned to suit most time zones. If there is a specific concern, please write to us.
We are charging an affordable price and a cost that justifies the time and effort that goes into the sessions. It will be great if you join in whole heartedly when you are ready because the fee is non - refundable after the course begins. Genuine financial issues can be still considered.

Get in Touch with Beautiful Diwali Team

Get in Touch with your facilitator for any queries


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Purnam Practice Labs

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