Cultivate Silent Mind with Anahata - The Sound of Silence

Silence is the birthplace of a greater consciousness. It is in a silent mind this greater consciousness reveals itself. However, the mind is full of chatter and developing inner silence is not easy. Anahata is an easy to follow, systematic process, a transformational practice based on Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga, to cultivate inner silence and peace.

A 4-Week Online Course to Cultivate a Silent Mind, the Foundation for Developing Yogic Consciousness

A silent mind is like a clear blue sky without any clouds and it reveals the sun of greater clarity. An untrained mind is covered by the clouds of constant mental activity and it veils the light of greater consciousness. However, wrestling with your thoughts is not very helpful in bringing inner silence. There is another way, the way of integral yoga where you learn to open to stillness, wideness, silence and peace which naturally makes your mind silent.
1 Jan - 29 Jan
Live Sessions with Manoj
Saturdays 5:30-7:00 PM IST
Optional Practice, Mon - Fri
15 Minutes

Join Anahata to Cultivate Silent Mind

The Practice Lab is offered freely as a gift.

Timeline and Themes

  • Stage 1 - Breathing Stillness Live Session 90 minutes

    1 Jan 2022 
  • Week 1 Theme: Stillness Daily 1 minute practices & quotes

    2 - 8 Jan 2022
  • Stage 2 - Silent Wideness Live Session 90 minutes 

    8 Jan 2022
  • Week 2 Theme: Widening and Silence Daily 1 minute practices & quotes

    9 - 15 Jan 2022
  • Stage 3 - Flame of Aspiration Live Session 90 minutes 

    15 Jan 2022
  • Week 3 Theme: Flame of Aspiration Daily 1 minute practices & quotes

    16 - 22 Jan 2022
  • Stage 4 - Lotus Overhead Live Session 90 minutes 

    22 Jan 2022
  • Week 4 Theme: Lotus Overhead Daily 1 minute practices & quotes

    22 - 29 Jan 2022
  • Stage 5 - Descend of Peace and Silence Live Session 90 minutes 

    29 Jan 2022

Who is This Course For?

Seeking to develop yogic consciousness?

Beyond the process of rational intelligence, when the mind is free of thoughts, from the depths of silence opens a new consciousness. That is where the yogic consciousness begins. If you are ready for it, this course is for you.

Are you a practitioner of Sri Aurobindo's integral yoga?

If you are aspiring to follow the path of integral yoga, working towards developing a silent mind and if you find it difficult to achieve inner silence, this course is for you.

Want to open to the force of Shakti?

Our individual will is a very limited instrument. It is only when we open to the force of divine Shakti descending from above, our human nature can be successfully transformed. If you are looking for a way to do this, Anahata is for you.

Evolve. Action. Community.

Learn to Evolve by Practicing Together as a Community

Practices During the Week

1 Minute Practice of the Day

Every day you will receive a prompt with an easy 1-minute practice to deepen your experiential understanding. You can share your experience over WhatsApp to learn from each other's insights.

10 Minute Daily Practice with Peers

Instead of practicing alone, you can also join your peers for a daily practice with 10 minute recorded audio guidance. Practicing together makes it easy and more impactful. This is optional for those who are willing to put in more effort and get better results.

Quotes and Questions

Quote of the Day

Every day you will receive a quote of the day from the works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother based on the theme of the week and the stage of practice. It helps to deepen your understanding of the practice and when you share your insights with the sangha, it increases the transformative power of the sangha.

Questions for Clarification

During live sessions with Manoj, there will be time for sharing and questions for clarification. You can also get clarifications over email which can also be shared with the community for the benefit of everyone.

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About Purnam

Purnam Centre for Integrality is a unit of Auroville Foundation, an Institution of Higher Education, Government of India, located in Auroville, which is a UNESCO supported international city in the making in Tamil Nadu, India, with the aim of realising human unity.

  • Manoj Pavithran, Your Facilitator for Anahata

    Integral Yoga Practitioner, Facilitator

    Manoj Pavithran is an integral yoga practitioner and facilitator living in Auroville since 1995. He has been following Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga psychology and its transformational practices since 1989. He is passionate about individual and collective evolution and in Auroville he works in many areas like education, filmmaking and software development.

    He has co-founded Purnam Centre for Integrality in Auroville to offer educational programmes based on the Auroville experience. He sees Auroville as an international university campus where life-long learning and research are seamlessly woven into daily work, relationships and social development in harmony with Nature.

    His educational programmes can be found at and the films are available at
Hear what people are saying...
The Anahata course, especially the Q&A sessions with Manoj, helped me develop a deeper understanding of Integral Yoga. Manoj's very presence has a very calming effect. The practices he shared based on 30+ years of his experience are very helpful. Heartfelt gratitude to Manoj Pavitran for this lovely course.
Ramkumar R
Anahata came to my life as a blessing when I was aspiring to connect inward during the lockdown 🌻. The practices have helped me connect deeper with my body, experience silence, be calm and connect with my inner aspiration clearly. Deep gratitude Manoj da and team Purnam for the offering 🙏🌸
Leela Gangappa
Career Coach - YO! - Purposeful Careers, Joyful Life

Frequently Asked Questions

Saturday sessions with Manoj form the backbone of the course. These Saturday sessions are imperative to attend to get the pulse of the practice and get the full benefit of the course. Every session will be a layer added to the previous one. So if you miss one it can be a bit challenging to follow up. The every day 15 minutes practice sessions from Mon - Fri are optional. Instead of the regular everyday practice, you can follow up by practising with peers during the week using recorded audio, it can help you to catch up.
90 minutes every Saturday from 5:30 - 7:00 PM IST. Every other day 1-minute practice that you can do at your own time based on the prompts we will be sending. You will be also given 10-minute audio files every week for practising at your own time. These are up to you to make use of and we highly recommend you utilise these easy means to deeper your practise and benefit the most. You will also have an opportunity to practice together for 15 minutes Monday - Friday.
This is a gift to you. If you appreciate our work and would like to support our work you are most welcome to make donations. The details will be given after the course.

Get in Touch with Anahata, The Sound of Silence Team

Get in Touch with your facilitator for any queries


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Purnam Practice Labs

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